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Nike's Push to Sustainability....But Not to Fair Wage

Nike's Push to Sustainability....But Not to Fair Wage

Hey Nike, I love these plant dyed sneakers.
I love your new policy protecting pregnant athletes.
I love your marketing messages.
I love that you have made big efforts cleaning up your supply chain and improving working conditions.

That being said, I hate that you haven't fixed your pay wage problem. 2018 pay was dismal at 89cents/hour for overseas workers making your sneakers. In the U.S.A., salespeople earned an average of $9.42/hour. Neither of these pay rates are actually liveable wages. Your CEO made $9.5 million last year.

Nike revenue last year was $34.5billion. To be fair, a very large portion of that went to expenses, including sports deals, which had a budget alone of $6.2 billion. C'mon, share the wealth with the humans actually making your product (80% of whom are women).

So for now, we won't be buying these sneakers.
Hopefully you will prove us wrong.
Hopefully you will disclose your plans to pay all Nike workers a living wage.

...Just do it!

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Oct 07, 2024

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